04 May

“In 1928 demands were heard on both sides of the Atlantic for the opening of the Process of Frances Xavier Cabrini’s beatification. Over and beyond the obvious evidence of her greatness, much evidence was forthcoming of extraordinary graces obtained through her intercession.

Hence the Diocesan Process was opened at Chicago – loyal Chicago! – and commissions were also set up at Codogno and Rome. On its successful termination in 1933, the Apostolic Process was begun. The remains were exhumed and identified, being found in a good state of preservation, and were then translated from West Park to the chapel of the new Cabrini Memorial School at Fort Washington, New York.

In 1937 the Decree of Heroicity of Virtues was promulgated; on August 6, 1938, it was followed by the Decree De tuto, and on November 13 of the same year Frances Xavier Cabrini was beatified by Pope Pius XI.

Appropriately, Cardinal Mundelein sang the Mass, and a great gathering from old and new worlds assembled in the Eternal City to do homage to the new Beata, whose feast was fixed for December 22.

Further miracles having been reported, the Cause of Canonisation was opened forthwith, and proceeded very smoothly and rapidly. On May 4, 1943, the General Congregation met in the presence of Pope Pius XII for the final approval of the miracles proposed, and the last week of June saw the promulgation of the Decree accordingly. Still today, events move quickly in the career of Mother Cabrini.

As the Decree of Beatification states, she laboured much for the glory of God and the welfare of her neighbour; joyfully and constantly she bore with great difficulties of all kinds; she chose a life full of travail from which she allowed herself no rest, working on, eagerly and without respite, until death. In very deed, an undaunted daughter of desires!”
– From: “Frances Xavier Cabrini, by a Benedictine of Stanbrook Abbey”


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