29 Aug

“Has Jesus in the Eucharist ever lacked the homage of genius and of love? How the highest intelligences have toiled to establish the truth of the Real Presence! What a profound study of the benefits and miracles hidden in the Sacred Host! What admirable views on the central position occupied by the Eucharist in the sacramental world, and on the mysterious gravitation of signs of grace around the symbol which contains the Author of grace Himself! What sublime hymns, what magnificent canticles of the great masters of art! What beauties in the liturgies! What splendid ceremonies instituted by the Church! What a universal convocation of all creatures to honour the Creator in His abasement – lights, perfumes, flowers, precious stuffs, gold, silver, stone, marble, shaped and chiseled by the skilful hands of artists! Such are the magnificent temples, of which all the beauties are directed towards the Eucharistic God.

Those great trees in stone, whose branches interlace to form such proud and graceful arches, are to cover with their protecting shade the Divine Sacrament and its worshippers. Those leaves, those flowers, those traceries, those ornaments so richly and delicately carved, are to crown the Eucharist. Those saints, standing or kneeling, those transparent figures, through which the light streams in a thousand colours, offer homage to the King in the Tabernacle. More impressive still is the sight of the faithful people passing in long procession, prostrating themselves in crowds on feasts of adoration, and raising their voices to chant their reverence, their love, and their faith. But still more glorious the spectacle of Christians transformed by their intimate relations with the Eucharist, exercising in the midst of the world the sublime virtues of the God, whose flesh they have eaten.

If the unbeliever would not insist on regarding only the lowest aspect of the Divine Sacrament, if he reflected with an open mind on the unique and perpetual honour which Christian humanity offers to the Eucharist, he would soon recognise that a piece of common bread could not inspire so much devotion.”
– R. P. Monsabre


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