28 Jun

Our Father…

1. We love You, dear Jesus, appearing to Your Holy Mother and filling her with joy and consolation. Hail Mary…

2. We love You appearing to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus making their hearts burn within them with Your words. Hail Mary…

3. We love You making Yourself known to them in the ‘Breaking of the Bread’. Hail Mary…

4. We love You appearing to Your Apostles for the first time and saying: “Peace be with you.” Hail Mary…

5. We love You breathing on them the Holy Spirit giving them the power to forgive sins. Hail Mary…

6. We love You appearing one week later and saying to Thomas: “Put your finger in the nail print in My hands and your hand in My side. And do not persist in your unbelief, but believe.” Hail Mary…

7. We place our ‘We love You’ in Thomas’ reply: “My Lord and my God!” and in its every repetition throughout the ages. Hail Mary…

8. We love and thank You for Your consoling words: “You have seen Me, Thomas, and therefore you believe. Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe.” Hail Mary…

9. We love You appearing on the lakeshore of Galilee and causing a miraculous catch of 153 fish. Hail Mary…

10. We love you confirming Peter in his Primacy saying: “Feed My sheep; tend My sheep; feed My lambs.” Hail Mary…

÷ And in all the Acts of the Divine Will found in the Mystery of the Resurrection, we love, adore, thank, praise and glorify You as we pray: Glory be to the Father… and, O my Jesus…


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