Monthly Archives: July 2012


“Rejoice insofar as you are sharing the sufferings of Christ, so that your joy will be without limit when His glory is revealed.” (1 Pet 4:13)

If only those on earth would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious.
How many riches it possesses within itself, how many joys and delights!
– St Rose

Glorious St Rose, you proclaimed the power of grace in affliction. May I find in my suffering the opportunity for grace.



Notices from the Catholic church near the Olympic Park, St Francis of Assisi, Grove Crescent Road, Stratford, London:

(From the newsletter)

– Weekday’s Eucharistic Adoration – 30th July (Monday) to 10th August (Friday) 2012. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for quiet adoration from 9am with Morning Prayer till 6pm ending with evening prayer and Benediction during the weekdays in our parish church. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed until half an hour before the usual weekday 12.15pm Mass and will be exposed again after the Mass. Please do find some time for reflective and quiet meditation in the presence of our Lord in our daily busy lives.

Saturday’s Eucharistic Adoration is on the 4th and 11th August 2012. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after the 10am Mass throughout the day and there will be Benediction at 5pm before the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the tabernacle.

There will be four evening sessions of Taize Prayer organised in our parish church during the Olympic period.
– 1st session, 31st July (Tuesday) will be on the theme of PEACE.
– 2nd session, 3rd August (Friday) is on FAITH.
All Taize sessions begin at 7.30pm and will end at 9pm.

People are welcome in the marquee ‘Tent of Welcome’ in the friary grounds. Coffee and tea are provided to visitors.

Sat 10.30am – 11.00am and 5.00pm – 5.30pm



O St Therese of the Child Jesus, who during your short life on earth became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of wholehearted abandonment to God, now that you rejoice in the reward of your virtues, cast a glance of pity on me as I leave all things in your hands. Make my troubles your own, speak a word for me to our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love you were – to that Queen of Heaven “who smiled on you at the dawn of life.” Beg her as Queen of the Heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her powerful intercession the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment…and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life, defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity. Amen.

O God, who did inflame with your Spirit of Love the soul of your servant, Therese of the Child Jesus, grant that we also may love you and make you much loved. Amen.

O Therese of the Child Jesus, well beloved and full of charity, in union with you, I reverently adore the majesty of God; and since I rejoice withe exceeding joy in the singular gifts of grace bestowed upon you during your life, and your gifts of glory after death, I give him deepest thanks for them; I beseech you with all my heart’s devotion to be pleased to obtain for me, by your effectual intercession, above all things, the grace of a holy life and a happy death. Moreover, I beg of you to obtain for me….But if what I ask of you so earnestly does not tend to the glory of God and the greater good of my soul, do you, I pray, obtain for me that which is more profitable to both these ends. Amen.
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

Almighty God, giver of all good gifts, who did will that Blessed Theresa, being watered by the heavenly dew of your guiding grace, should bloom in Carmel with the beauty of virginity and patience in suffering, grant that I your servant may be found worthy to become a devoted and loyal follower of Christ. Amen.
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

O St Therese of the Child Jesus, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Carmel, I greet you, great saint, seraph of divine love. I rejoice in the favours our Lord so liberally bestowed on you. In humility and confidence I ask you to help me, for I know that God has given you love and pity as well as power. Tell him, now, I beseech you, of the favour I seek in this novena…. Your request will crown my petition with success and bring joy to my heart. Remember your promise to do good on earth: “I shall spend my heaven doing good on earth. After death I shall let fall a shower of roses.”
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

O Little Flower of Jesus, who at an early age had your heart set on Carmel and in your brief earthly life did become a mirror of angelic purity, of courageous love and of wholehearted surrender to Almighty God, turn your eyes of mercy upon me who trusts in you. Obtain for me the favour I seek in this novena…and the grace to keep my heart and mind pure and clean. O dear Saint, grant me to feel in every need the power of your intercession; help to comfort me in all the bitterness of this life and especially at its end, that I may be worthy to share eternal happiness with you in heaven. Amen.
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for me.

O Little Flower of Carmel, Almighty God endowed you, consumed by love for him, with wondrous spiritual strength to follow the way of perfection during the days of your short life. Sickness touched you early but you remained firm in faith and prayer was your life. O pray for me that I may benefit by your intercession and be granted the favour I ask in this novena…
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

O Little Flower of Jesus, you have shown yourself so powerful in your intercession, so tender and compassionate toward those who honour you and invoke you in suffering and distress, that I kneel at your feet with perfect confidence and beseech you most humbly and earnestly to take me under your protection in my present necessity and to obtain for me the favour I ask in this novena…Vouchsafe to recommend my request to Mary, the merciful Queen of Heaven, that she may plead my cause with you before the throne of Jesus, her divine Son. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted.
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

Therese of the Child Jesus, most loving Saint, in union with you I adore the divine Majesty. My heart is filled with joy at the remembrance of the marvellous favours with which God blessed your life on earth and of the great glory that came to you after death. In union with you, I praise God, and offer him my humble tribute of thanksgiving. I implore you to obtain for me, through your powerful intercession, the greatest of all blessings – that of living and dying in the state of grace. I also beg of you to secure for me the special favour I seek in this novena…
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

O glorious St Therese, who, burning with the desire of increasing the glory of God, invariably attended to the sanctification of your own soul by the constant practice of prayer and charity so that, becoming in the Church a model of holiness, you are now in heaven the protector of all those who have recourse to you in faith, look down upon me who invokes your powerful patronage and join your petition to mine that I be granted the favour I seek in this novena…
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.

O St Therese, seraphic virgin, beloved spouse of our crucified Lord, you who on earth did burn with a love so intense toward your God and my God, and now glow with a bright and purer flame in paradise, obtain for me, I beseech you, a spark of that same holy fire which shall help me to put the things of the world in their proper place and live my life always conscious of the presence of God. As I conclude my novena I also beg of you to secure for me the special favour I seek at this time…
St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us.



I thank you, Lord, for the precious gift of my body.
Whatever its strengths or limitations; whatever it brings me in terms of joy or suffering, help me always to see it as your gift.

As I run the race of life, help me to have a healthy attitude to my body and a reverence for its part in my eternal future.
Help me to give glory to you by treating my body and the body of others, with care and respect.

As I marvel at the wonder of all your Creation,
may the whole human family work together to protect creation
and especially the precious gift of human life,
from conception to natural death.

Enable us by your grace to promote the well-being and dignity of every person, serving you and the Gospel of life in a spirit of generosity, faith and love,
through Christ Jesus Our Lord.



Dear St Monica, we know that for years you were in despair over your son’s wayward life, but through your holiness and prayers your son was finally converted and became a great Saint of the Catholic Church.

We now humbly ask you to pray with us for our sons and daughters who have drifted away from God, and we ask you to add your prayers to those of all mothers, fathers and guardians who are worried over their children.

Pray for us that one day, following your example, we may, in the company of our children, enjoy the eternal vision of our Father in heaven. Amen.



St Alphonsus, who was born in Naples in 1696, gave up his legal profession to dedicate himself to God instead. After having been ordained priest in 1726, he ministered to the poor of Naples, and founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists), dedicated to preaching to common people. He has written books on moral theology, was chosen bishop, and was declared Doctor of the Church in 1871. St Alphonsus died in 1787.


O God, who constantly raise up in your Church
new examples of virtue,
grant that we may follow so closely
in the footsteps of the Bishop Saint Alphonsus
in his zeal for souls
as to attain the same rewards that are his
in heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.




“Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth…rather store up treasure for yourselves in heaven.” (Mt 6:19-20)

O most gentle Jesus, having redeemed me by baptism from original sin, so now by Your Precious Blood deliver me from all evils, past, present and to come. May I be strong and steadfast in good works and persevering in Your service.
– St Clare

Dear St Clare, lead me away from worldly pursuits to serve Christ in the poor.



1. Praise him, praise him,
praise him in the morning,
praise him in the noontime.
Praise him, praise him,
praise him when the sun goes down.

2. Love him, …

3. Trust him, …

4. Serve him, …

5. Jesus, …



1. Oh when the saints go marching in. (2)
I want to be in that number,
when the saints go marching in.

2. Oh when the drums begin to bang…

3. Oh when the stars fall from the sky…

4. Oh when the moon turns into blood…

5. Oh when the sun turns into fire…

6. Oh when the fires begin to blaze…

7. Oh when the Lord calls out the names…



1. Peace is flowing like a river,
flowing out through you and me,
spreading out into the desert,
setting all the captives free.

2. Love is flowing like a river…

3. Joy is flowing like a river…

4. Hope is flowing like a river…