15 May


As a priest of the diocese of Radom, Poland, Father Stefan Grelewski did not let his chronic poor health deter him from undertaking a wide range of apostolic labours, particularly devoting himself to the spiritual needs of young people and the relief of the poor.

He was also zealous to promulgate the faith by means of the written word, founding and editing a monthly journal, ‘Prawda Katolicka’ (Catholic Truth), and authoring many publications that addressed religious and social issues.

His acute and sensitive understanding of people helped him to lead souls to God.

In the autumn of 1939, the Nazis invaded Poland, and began a persecution of Poland’s Catholics. On 24th January 1941, Father Grelewski was arrested together with his younger brother, (Blessed) Kazimierz Grelewski, who was also a priest.

They were sent first to the concentration camp of Oswiecim, Poland, and then to the German death camp of Dachau. The two brothers prayed together and prepared for death by administering the sacraments to each other. Father Stefan Grelewski died on 9th May 1941, from torture he had suffered while being interrogated.

“The lowly will rejoice in the Lord even more and the poorest exult in the Holy One of Israel.” (Is 29:19)


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