Tag Archives: St Michael



Now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven.

The great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had deceived all the world, was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him. Then I heard a voice shout from heaven,

“Victory and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ, now that the persecutor, who accused our brothers day and night before our God, has been brought down. They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the witness of their martyrdom, because even in the face of death they would not cling to life. Let the heavens rejoice and all who live there.”

V. The word of the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.


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You can pray this chaplet on the beads of three-and-one, St Michael Chaplet beads, or on your fingers.

On the medal:
V. O God, come to my assistance.
R. O Lord, make haste to help me.
– Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

Before each salutation, recite one Our Father on the individual bead and three Hail Marys on the three beads grouped together, in honour of the corresponding Choir of Angels; leave the set of four beads until the end.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of the SERAPHIM, may it please God to make us worthy to receive into our hearts the fire of His perfect charity. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of the CHERUBIM, may God grant us the grace to abandon the ways of sin and follow the path of Christian perfection. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of the THRONES, may it please God to infuse into our hearts a true and earnest spirit of humility. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of DOMINATIONS, may it please God to grant us the grace to have dominion over our senses and to correct our depraved passions. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of the POWERS, may God vouchsafe to keep our souls from the wiles and temptations of the devil. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the choir of the admirable celestial VIRTUES, may Our Lord keep us from falling into temptation and deliver us from evil. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of the PRINCIPALITIES, may it please God to fill our hearts with the spirit of true and hearty obedience. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of ARCHANGELS, may it please God to grant us the gift of perseverance in the Faith and in all good works, that we may thereby be enabled to attain unto the glory of Paradise. Amen.

At the intercession of St Michael and the heavenly choir of holy ANGELS, may God vouchsafe to grant that they may protect us during life, and after death may lead us into the everlasting glory of Heaven. Amen.

Then say the Our Father on each of the four remaining beads: the first in honour of St Michael, the second in honour of St Gabriel, the third in honour of St Raphael, and the fourth in honour of your Guardian Angel. End as follows:

St Michael, glorious Prince, Chief and Champion of the Heavenly Host, guardian of the souls of men, conqueror of the rebel angels, steward of the palace of God under Jesus Christ, our worthy leader, endowed with superhuman excellence and virtue: free us from every ill, who with full confidence have recourse to thee; and by thine incomparable protection, enable us to make progress every day in the faithful service of our God. Amen.

V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ.
R. That we may be made worthy of His promises.

Let us pray:
Almighty and eternal God, who in thine own marvellous goodness and pity didst, for the common salvation of men, choose the glorious Archangel Michael to be Prince of thy Church, make us worthy, we pray thee, to be delivered by his beneficent protection from all our enemies, that at the hour of our death, none of them may approach to harm us; rather, grant by the same Archangel Michael that we may be introduced into the presence of thy Most High and Divine Majesty. Through the merits of the same Jesus Christ Our Lord.


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O God, be propitious to me and guard me all the days of my life! be merciful unto me, and send to my aid thine Archangel, St Michael, that he may defend me against my enemies.

Holy Archangel, St Michael, protect me against all dangers, that I may not perish on the day of judgment. By the grace thou hast merited, and through Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, I beseech thee to deliver me from the perils of death.

St Gabriel, St Raphael, Holy Angels and Archangels, come to my aid. Virtues of heaven, be my help and my strength, that no enemy may be able to injure me either by water or by fire, or while journeying; protect me from a sudden and unprovided death, and grant that, sleeping or waking, I may be freed from all danger. Amen.

– St Anthony’s Treasury, 1916


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We must realise… that the word “angel” signifies the office, not the nature. The holy spirits of the heavenly Fatherland are always spirits but they cannot always be called angels. They are angels only when some message is sent through them.

Therefore, the Psalmist sings, “Who makes his spirits angels,” as if he wished to make a distinction, to say as it were, “Of those whom he has always as spirits, some he makes, when he wills, angels.”

Those who announce tidings of lesser import are Angels; those who bring more important messages are called Archangels. To the Virgin Mary no ordinary Angel was sent, but the Archangel Gabriel. For the delivery of this important message, the greatest of all tidings, it was fitting that the greatest of angels should be chosen. These great angels are given individual names, also, to characterise their particular power, such as Michael which means “Who is like God?”, Gabriel, “the strength of God”, Raphael, “the medicine of God.”

Whenever any work requiring great power is to be done, Michael comes forth. Thus from his act and his name we understand that no one can do what God alone has power to do. Hence the ancient enemy who through pride aspired to be like God saying, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of heaven, I will be like to the Most High,” at the consummation of the world when he shall be left as prey of his own conceit in everlasting punishment, is presented to us as about to engage in combat with Michael the Archangel, according to the words of Saint John, “There was a battle with Michael the Archangel.”

Similarly Gabriel, whose name means “Strength of God,” is sent to Mary. He came to announce him who although he deigned to assume the appearance of humility, came that he might vanquish the ethereal spirits.

Raphael’s name is, as we have said, interpreted to mean “Medicine of God,” because he touched the eyes of Tobit to heal them and dispelled the darkness of his blindness.

– From: An Approved English Translation of the Breviarium Romanum, Burns & Oates, London, 1964

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Posted by on September 28, 2019 in Words of Wisdom


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O Jesu! life-spring of the soul!

The Father’s power and glory bright!

Thee with the Angels we extol;

From thee they draw their life and light.


Thy thousand thousand hosts are spread

Embattled o’er the azure sky;

But Michael bears thy standard dread,

And lifts the mighty Cross on high.


He, in that sign, the rebel powers

Did, with their dragon prince, expel;

And hurled them from the heavens’ high towers,

Down, like a thunderbolt, to hell.


Grant us, with Michael, still, O Lord,

Against the prince of pride to fight;

So may a crown be our reward,

Before the Lamb’s pure throne of light.


To God the Father praise be done,

Who hath redeemed us through his Son;

Anoints us by the Holy Ghost,

And guards us by the Angel-host. Amen.

– From: An Approved English Translation of the Breviarium Romanum, Burns & Oates, London 1964

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Posted by on September 25, 2019 in More Inspirational Hymns


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Lord, have mercy on us. – LORD, HAVE MERCY ON US.
Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. – JESUS CHRIST, HAVE MERCY ON US.
Lord, have mercy on us. – LORD, HAVE MERCY ON US.
Jesus Christ, hear us. – JESUS CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.

God the Heavenly Father, – HAVE MERCY ON US!
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, – HAVE MERCY ON US!
God the Holy Spirit, – HAVE MERCY ON US!
Most Holy Trinity, only one God, – HAVE MERCY ON US!

Holy Mary, – PRAY FOR US. (Repeat after each line.)
Queen of the angels,
All the choruses of the blessed spirits,
Holy Seraphim, angels of love,
Holy Cherubim, angels of the Word,
Holy Thrones, angels of life,
Holy Angels of adoration,
Holy Dominions,
Holy Powers,
Holy Princedoms,
Holy Virtues,

St Michael the Archangel, victor of Lucifer,
Angel of faith and humility,
Angel of holy unction,
Patron of the dying,
Prince of the heavenly hosts,
Companion of deceased souls,

St Gabriel the Archangel, angel of the Incarnation,
God’s faithful messenger,
Angel of hope and peace,
Protector of all of God’s servants,
Guardian of holy Baptism,
Patron of Priests,

St Raphael the Archangel,
Angel of divine love,
Dominator of the malignant spirit,
Help in cases of need,
Angel of pain and healing,
Patron of doctors, travellers and pilgrims,

All the holy Archangels,
Angels serving before God’s throne,
Angels at the service of humanity,
Holy Guardian Angels,
Helpers in our needs,
Light in our darkness,
Help in all dangers,
Admonishers of our conscience,
Intercessors before God’s throne,
Defenders against the enemy,
Our constant companions,
Our safe guides,
Our most faithful friends,
Our prudent counsellors,
Our model of obedience,
Consolation in abandonment,
Angels of our families,
Angels of our priests and religious,
Angels of our children,
Angels of our Land and Country,
Angels of the holy Church, – PRAY FOR US.

All you holy angels, help us during our life and aid us at the hour of our death, and we will thank you in heaven.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, – FORGIVE US, LORD.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, – HEAR US, LORD.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, – HAVE MERCY ON US.

V. God sent His angels,
R. To guard you in all your paths.

Let us pray:
Almighty and eternal God, grant us the aid of Your angels and heavenly hosts so that through them we may be saved from the attacks of Satan. And, freed of all dangers through the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, may we be able to serve You in peace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who with You and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever and ever.

St Michael the Archangel, protect us in the fight;
Cover us with your shield against the falsehood and snares of the devil. Instantly subject them to God; as the Prince of the heavenly host by the divine power, cast into hell Satan and the other malignant spirits who roam the world for the perdition of souls.

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Posted by on September 1, 2018 in Devotions


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In her beautiful prayers in the Mass for the Dead, the Church with maternal solicitude places the souls of her departed children in the hands of St Michael, that he may lead them into the kingdom of everlasting light. If St Michael is so solicitous for the welfare of souls during their lifetime on earth and at the hour of death, we may be certain that he will also befriend them during their stay in Purgatory and will hasten to bring them consolation.

St Michael helps the Holy Souls in Purgatory

A Cistercian monk appeared to a priest friend soon after his death and told him he would be delivered from Purgatory if during Holy Mass the priest would recommend his soul to St Michael. The priest complied with this desire, and he, together with others who were present, had the consolation of seeing the soul of his friend taken to Heaven by the Archangel.

It is related that a certain priest, one day while offering the Holy Sacrifice for the dead, recommended some souls in a particular manner when pronouncing the words: “May the Prince of Angels, St Michael, lead them into the glory of Heaven.” At the same time he saw the glorious Archangel descend from Heaven into Purgatory to deliver those souls and to conduct them into Paradise.

St Michael conducted the Holy Souls into Paradise

“The prince of the heavenly militia,” says St Anselm, “is all-powerful in Purgatory, and he can assist the Poor Souls whom the justice and sanctity of the Almighty retain in this place of punishment.” “It is incontestably recognised since the foundation of Christianity,” declares St Robert Bellarmine, “that the souls of the Faithful Departed are delivered from Purgatory  through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel.” Let us add to these authorities the words of St Alphonsus Liguori: “St Michael has received the care of consoling and helping the souls in Purgatory.”

– From: ‘Neath St Michael’s Shield, Fifth Edition, 1962


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Both in the Old and the New Testament, the holy Archangel Michael is called the “guardian angel of the people of God”. He is also honoured as the “Herald of the General Judgment” and the “Guardian of Paradise”. It is his office to lead all the elect into the Kingdom of Eternal Glory.

Defender and leader of God’s people in Paradise

The world’s history is replete with instances of St Michael’s solicitude for the children of men during the time of their earthly pilgrimage. He began to fulfil his office as defender and leader of God’s people in the Garden of Paradise. St Ambrose says that God commissioned St Michael to lead Adam into Paradise, to explain to him the purpose of his creation, to guide him and to associate with him in visible form. After the fall of Adam and Eve, this same glorious Archangel stood guard at the gate of Paradise with flaming sword, “to keep the way of the tree of life” (Gen 3:24).

The Fathers of the Church tell us that even though in many instances the name of St Michael is not mentioned in Holy Scripture, when reference is made to the services of an angel, we may confidently believe that it was either St Michael himself who rendered assistance, or his angelic subjects, who did so at his command.

Important missions

They speculate that it may have been St Michael who warned Noe [Noah] of the coming flood, and that it was through St Michael that Abraham was named the father of the chosen people and received that wonderful promise which Holy Church has immortalised in her prayers for the dead: “May the holy standard-bearerMichael, introduce them into that holy light which thou didst promise of old to Abraham and his descendants.”

The Angel who appeared to Moses in the burning bush (Ex 3:2) was St Michael, according to the teaching of St Gregory Nazianzen. It was this mighty Angel who performed the wonders which took place at the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and through whom God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites on Mount Sinai. Likewise, the Angel who routed the army of Sennacherib (4 [2] Kings 19:35) was the holy Archangel Michael.

After the death of Moses, according to an ancient Jewish tradition to which St Jude refers to in his Epistle (Jude 1:9), St Michael concealed the tomb of Moses from the people, and also from Satan, who wished to disclose it to the Israelites to seduce them thereby to the sin of false worship.

God revealed to St Michael the designs of His justice and mercy regarding His chosen people. Of this the prophecies of Daniel and Zacharias bear witness. Finally, it was this great celestial prince who aided the Israelites and rendered the army of Judas Macchabeus victorious over their enemies.

(Even to this day the Jews invoke the holy Archangel Michael as the principal defender of the Synagogue and their protector against enemies. On the Feast of the Atonement they conclude their prayers with this beautiful invocation: “Michael, Prince of Mercy, pray for Israel, that it may reign in Heaven, in that light which streams forth from the face of the King who sits upon the throne of mercy.”)

Protector of the Church

Just as the chosen people of the Old Law were marvellously protected by St Michael, so we may believe that this same prince of Heaven protects the Church of God even more wonderfully. Under the New Law, as under the Old, St Michael is the “Vicar of the Most High and the Prince of His people,” ever prepared to render assistance. The Fathers of the Church are of one mind in teaching that St Michael is the guardian angel and the protector of the Catholic Church.

Time and again, in centuries past, St Michael came to the rescue when dreadful wars and persecutions threatened to destroy Christianity. He it was who, at the command of Mary, Queen of Angels, came to the assistance of Constantine the Great in the fourth century and helped his forces to gain a brilliant victory over the pagan Emperor Maxentius. The Archangel himself revealed his identity in this instance. Appearing to Constantine after the completion of a beautiful church, which the latter had erected in his honour in gratitude, he said: “I am Michael, the chief of the angelic legions of the Lord of hosts, the protector of the Christian religion, who while you were battling against godless tyrants, placed the weapons in your hands.” This famous edifice, generally known as the Michaelion, has been the scene of many miracles wrought through the great Archangel.

Many miracles

Later, St Michael proved himself a powerful protector against invasion. The Greek Emperor Justinian erected six churches in his honour, in grateful recognition of his assistance. St Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans, who in the fifteenth century saved France, ascribed her vocation and her victories to St Michael. Three times he appeared to her and informed her that she was called to deliver her country. In the sixteenth century, when it seemed that the Turks (Muslims fighting under the Turkish sultan) would conquer all Europe, St Michael at the command of the Blessed Virgin again championed the cause of the Christian (Catholic) Faith, and a glorious victory was gained over the infidels at the Battle of Lepanto.

Thus has St Michael proved himself a valiant warrior for the honour of God, both in Heaven and on earth. And he still wages incessant war with the archfiend Satan in the great Kingdom of God on earth, the Church.

Victorious St Michael

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was reputed to have had visions of the past and future combats of the Church. Repeatedly she saw St Michael, in the form of a warrior, standing above the Church, replacing his bloodstained sword in its scabbard as a sign of victory. She was also shown how, in the present-day struggles of the Church, St Michael would bring about a most glorious victory. This thought should be consoling to all faithful Christians who view with alarm the many shafts of persecution now being directed against the Church.

Pope Leo XIII, realising by divine enlightenment the present and future struggles of the Church against the powers of Hell, felt convinced that through the intervention of St Michael, Hell would be conquered and the Church restored to peace and liberty. He therefore composed a prayer in honour of this warrior Archangel and ordered it to be recited daily after low Mass in all the churches throughout the Christian world.

It is said that one day, having celebrated the Holy Sacrifice, the aged Pontiff was in conference with the Cardinals. Suddenly, he sank to the floor in a deep swoon. Physicians who hastened to his side feared that he had already expired, for they could find no trace of his pulse. However, after a short interval the Holy Father rallied and, opening his eyes, exclaimed with great emotion: “Oh, what a horrible picture I was permitted to see!” He had been shown in spirit the tremendous activities of the evil spirits and their ravings against the Church. But in the midst of this vision of horror, he had also beheld consoling visions of the glorious Archangel Michael, who had appeared and cast Satan and his legions back into the abyss of Hell. Soon afterwards, he composed the well-known prayer: “St Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray…”

The Church has special need of St Michael’s powerful protection in our times. On all sides she is assailed by strong and bitter enemies. In one country after another, religious persecution rises to an ever higher pitch of hatred and insolence. The terrible crimes which have been committed in recent times, and are still being committed against the Church, both in her sanctuaries and against her members, surely are instigated by the devil. No human mind could be base enough to conceive and put them into execution.

The gates of Hell shall never prevail

We know that the gates of Hell shall never prevail against the Church, for our Lord has promised to be with her till the End of Time, but we must do our part in defending her cause. God might have cast the rebel down into Hell by a single act of His Will, but he chose rather to send against them His armies of loyal spirits under the leadership of the great St Michael. So too, in the present critical times, He could confound the enemies of the Church by merely willing to do so. But He wills, rather, that we should cooperate in her defence under the leadership of the Great Captain of the heavenly hosts.

– From: ‘Neath St Michael’s Shield, Fifth Edition, 1962




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When the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity became man, the sublime office of guarding the Saviour during the thirty-three years of His earthly life fell to God’s zealous advocate, St Michael. 

This is the pious belief of eminent Doctors and theologians. And since the Ark of the Covenant has been replaced by the Tabernacle, St Michael guards the Blessed Eucharist and keeps watch over the thousands of tabernacles and altars scattered throughout the world. Even so, he zealously guards Christ’s Vicar upon earth, the reigning Pope.

It has been revealed to various Saints that the great Archangel is the special guardian of the Blessed Sacrament; that he accompanies it everywhere: in the hands of the priest, upon the throne of exposition, in the tabernacle, when borne in procession, on its obscure visits to the sick, or wherever the love of the Divine Victim may cause it to be borne. Day and night, he keeps faithful vigil before the tabernacle in loving adoration.

At the beginning of Holy Mass, he is mentioned in the confession of faults. At the Offertory of a Solemn High Mass the priest implores the blessing of the Almighty upon the oblation, through the intercession of St Michael. And during the Canon of the Mass, after the Consecration, the priest prays God to command that the oblation is borne by the hands of His holy angel to His altar on high. The angel here referred to is doubtless the Archangel Michael. With loving solicitude, he watches over all the tiny particles which fall from the consecrated Hosts at the time of Holy Communion, that they may not be lost or desecrated.

The liturgy also presents St Michael to us as the incense-bearer standing beside the altar as our intercessor and as the bearer of the Church’s prayers before the throne of God. “An angel stood near the altar of the Temple, having a golden censer in his hand, and there was given to him much incense; and the smoke of the perfumes ascended before God” (Offertory Mass of St Michael).

Christ silent and veiled in the Holy Eucharist and Christ visible and speaking to us in the person of the Pope – these are the two objects of Satan’s inveterate hatred and rage. And these are also the two objects of St Michael’s greatest devotion and solicitude.

Let us range ourselves under the banner of St Michael, and by active zeal in the interests of Jesus, atone for the many outrages against the Blessed Sacrament and Christ’s vicar.

– From: ‘Neath St Michael’s Shield, Fifth Edition, 1962


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St Michael, Archangel, Helper and Defender of Christians

“Besides the protection which the glorious Archangel Michael extends to the Church at large, he is also the protector of every individual Christian and of all Christian nations . How fortunate we are in having so powerful an advocate! Surely, never so urgently as in the present time have Catholics needed St Michael’s help to remain steadfast in their Faith. Unbelief has carried its insolence to the very limit and boldly proclaims that there is no God . Blasphemy against Jesus Christ, against His mysteries and His doctrines has increased in the most frightful manner. It is our duty to be faithful Catholics, to confess our Faith openly and energetically and to preserve a glowing, invincible love for Jesus Christ.

When Satan rises to seduce us…

St Michael is the conqueror of Satan . Under his leadership, let us unfurl everywhere the banner of the Catholic Faith and have no fear of godlessness . In a thousand secret ways, Satan plots and wars against God and tries to usurp His throne. Let us keep the kingdom of our heart firmly closed against him, that he may never reign therein by sin. When the spirit of darkness incites us to thoughts of pride or rebellion, let us answer him with St Michael: “Who is like unto God? ” Who am I – a creature of dust and ashes, the fleeting phantom of an hour – in comparison to God?

When Satan tries to seduce us to commit this or that sin; when in alluring pictures he presents to us the pleasures and attractions of this world; when he promises us honours, riches, happiness , on condition that we break a Commandment , omit a good work, or commit an evil deed; when he tempts us to give way to murmuring and impatience and to find fault with the inscrutable ways of Divine Providence; when the siren song of sinful pleasures sounds in our ears, filling our hearts with unholy longings and crowding our imagination with forbidden sights and scenes; then let us ever oppose the tempter with the same energetic words: ‘Who is like unto God?’

Our whole life is a continuous temptation

‘Our whole life,’ says St Bernard, ‘is a continuous temptation.’ He drew this truth from Holy Scripture. We have to battle against foes who are mighty in power, cruel in their vengefulness, fearsome in their craftiness, countless in their number, tireless in their persecutions. There are spirits who deal blows without being seen , who intrude everywhere, who see everything that we do, while remaining invisible to us. And they battle with weak persons who wander in darkness, on slippery paths, surrounded by frightful abysses . With furious rage these many enemies have sworn to avenge themselves upon us, because God has called us to occupy the thrones left vacant by them. They are bent upon the eternal ruin of our souls.

The number of the demons is incredible. St Anthony of the Desert (251-356) said repeatedly that millions of evil spirits were roaming about the world. And the influence which these evil spirits exercise over world events is tremendous. Yet we need not despair, because St Michael is a defender more powerful by far than the spirits of darkness. In the prayer of the Church we daily ask him to ‘cast into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.’

Prayer of exorcism to St Michael

Viewing the world situation in the spirit of faith, we cannot deny that the great evils which now afflict the world will never be amended without prayer and penance. Yet even Catholics have lost sight of this truth. They pray for the cure of the sick, for success in their undertakings and for many other personal intentions – but not enough, or not at all, for the cessation of the prevailing moral evils which mean triumph for Satan and attack on the Church and ruin for souls. The Prayer to St Michael deserves to be taken to the hearts of all Catholics and recited by them frequently, and even daily. It is a prayer particularly applicable to our times and to all Christendom.”

– From “Neath St. Michael’s Shield” (links added afterwards)


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